There are so many things going on that i would love to rant about today but i can't. Don't worry however when i have cleared all of the red tape i will share all of it.
For now, I want to tell you the latest mini-drama with my kids. It is common knowledge that i DON'T DO MORNINGS well. You might not have known that my kids are programmed that way as well-- have no idea who did that lol! School starting has been really hard on all of us. It includes tears at bed time, sometimes stern warnings for wandering around up stairs, and HUGE meltdown in the mornings--every morning.
Going back to work didn't necessarily help any of that either. I am more tired, and have less time to get ready for the next day after i come home from work. Picking up a job on Tuesday and Thursday mornings doing childcare take me out of the house two more days too. All of this leads me to the issue.
I got a note from Lexi's school that she had 8 tardies. The above passage never stated that I haven't been late once or twice but EIGHT times?! So i inquired to the teacher and find out that what i understood to be on time and the school's definition of on time are different. If i drop her off in the car pool line (with 50 cars still behind me) but the time is after 8:25 i assumed she was still on-time because teachers were still out there opening doors. This is not the case. When she entered the building she was handed a tardy slip-- in the building out of my line of sight. Since she didn't know the slips were bad she never told me about them.
So last night before work i prepacked as much of her lunch as i could, neatly placed the infamous labeled ziploc bags out on the coffee table and placed shoes next to them. Checked Lexi's Folder signing this and proudly scanning the day's work. Put this weeks sight words by Joel's place at the table and threw dinner in the oven. I felt like i had it all together. So as soon as Joel left i zoomed to work.
Upon arriving home i find only one Ziploc bag still on the table. Shoes scattered on the floor and my husband apparently not understanding the importance of the bags and their careful placement, baffled as to why i am so frustrated. Let me say it was Lexi's bag that was still on the table, Little diva isn't going to stand by and let her outfit be messed with! Lorelei however had hers in the tightest clasp a little hand can have while sleeping in her bed. Luke's? I searched and searched and searched. Then Joel and i were tearing apart the house looking for the bag that Luke had also stuffed his jacket inside.
At 11:30pm, the night before i was starting a new morning routine with my kids, it occurs to me that after i laid out the bags they went out to play. Did he take his bag that had his now stuffed jacket in it, out with him? Joel pleads with me, telling my that is ridiculous! Why would he take it outside? Its late, Nickie, he says pick out something else-- find it tomorrow. I quickly slide on some flip flops and carefully walk outside hoping not to meet any critters. There as if covered in gold was the Ziploc bag. In the tree house-- only the most logical place for a little boy to store one days worth of clothes, shoes and a jacket! hahaha Joel and i laughed and laughed as we talked about how much of a stinker he was.
As we moved him from our bed- where he fell asleep watching TV-- we thought about how many more "adventures" he will go on that will leaving us looking for one Ziploc bag full of yesterday.
They are growing so fast and starting school seems to have grown the two in the middle too. Thankfully we arrived this morning at 8:07, and did the happy dance as we confirmed our timeliness! Heading to our morning job Lorelei and Luke both yawned and griped about being sleepy.... But watching them nap together today reminds me that they are still my babies although bigger each moment.
Babies, as i watch you grow, i relish in each accomplishment. I am so very proud of each of you! Watching you smile, brings more joy than comprehensible. Each moment -even the tense ones- are ones i will remember. I love you more than words can describe and i hope one day that when you read these blogs you will understand that although we were busy i tried to write down (or type as the case turns out to be) as much as i can. I love you--mommy
Teach me your ways, OH LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I will fear your name.
Psalm 86:11
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full.... Psalm 127:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 86:11
I will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair is white in age. I made you, and I will care for you. I willI will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair carry you along and save you.
Isaiah 46:4
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full.... Psalm 127:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
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