Teach me your ways, OH LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I will fear your name.

Psalm 86:11

I will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair is white in age. I made you, and I will care for you. I willI will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair carry you along and save you.

Isaiah 46:4

Blessed is the man whose quiver is full.... Psalm 127:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things that make like simpler, well as simple as life with four toddlers can be!

I have decided to put together a list of some of the things that help me to survive with my four little ones. In my recent travels some moms have said "I can't believe you take all your kids with you, everywhere!" or "you are super mom" and " I just don't know how you do it"

Well rule number one is don't fear it-- plan for it! I frequently get teased about the GIANT bag i carry. This is a MUST. I have cars, diapers, wipes, make-up bag with various meds/thermometer,extra panties for the girls, changes of clothes for the boys, snacks for me and the kids.... and the list goes on. I think some of you would prefer to carry a minimally stocked diaper bag just for the sake of not breaking your back. But if i get somewhere without it, I am going to wish i had it! My darling husband even order clips from "J.J. Cole" to attach my bag to my stroller in a more accessible way. They were only $15 and offer a great solution to digging in the bottom of a stroller and not being able to focus on your kids at the same time.So remember ITS ALL IN THE BAG!

Number two might scare some of you off, but hear me out. Sometimes if it cost more than we originally budgeted we deem it unnecessary. However with four little ones as close together as i had them, i needed some convenience helpers. We shopped for months for our stroller and it was seriously the best money we have ever spent. My first double was great- it survived our Disney trip- and was a great asset when the girls were little. I LEARNED A LOT FROM IT! things like when you go stroller shopping take a large diaper bag with you, even if you have to borrow one from a friend or take your biggest purse. "Basket space" is a huge factor! Most strollers add a disclaimer that warns against bags on the handles, this is for risk of flipping your stroller--- this WILL happen! most of the high end strollers are weighted but mine still flips. We did spend more on a stroller than we would have even considered, but mine can with the attachments accommodate ALL of my kids, so we decided since i am a lone ranger often that it was worth it for the safety of our kids.

Number three: Don't be afraid of returning things. I just mentioned two of the most used mommy essentials, and if you take these things home shove all your stuff in that bag and hate it, TAKE IT BACK! it doesn't matter if you have looked at it online for two months while you were waiting for the price to go down, if it doesn't work for you, you don't need it! I have gone thru several bags before i found the one i LOVE. I won't tell you how many because i kinda have a bag weakness, but this is one of those things that falls under the spending where it counts factor. And strollers can be returned if they haven't hit pavement! If you walk a mall with a new stroller, chances are that it won't show wear and tear too bad. So load up or borrow a friends kid for a day and test that sucker out! I am always amazed at how different a stroller feels with an infant in it than with a toddler-- these are things the manufactures don't want you to consider!

There is a great website called babygizmo.com where a mom of three kids orders every baby gadget on the market and reviews it on tape. She does things like the diaper bag fitting, kids of different ages/weights in a stroller and even reviews high chairs. it is a great blessing if you live in a smaller town like i do as far as your shopping options.

I NEVER PACK LIGHT! Rule number four: if it fits in your car-take it. I have been hassled about the "drawers" in the back of my suburban. Well in them i  have an extra car seat cover( vomit never smells good baked in a car for eight hours), socks (for when you get to the jumpy place in flip-flops), spare outfits for the girls (my bag is only so big), a spare shirt for me etc. I think some of you might be freaking out now but seriously if you don't have it you will wish you did. I recently invested in a Fridge for me car. It is a coleman cooler that plugs into the cigarette lighter jack- i have one in the trunk so if works nicely- and it has made traveling much easier. You can then opt for a rest stop with a park and pb&j to save a little money. Capri suns and a sandwich sound pretty good after three hours in a car-- this way you can spend the time you allotted for eating running in the grass at the rest stop... you know with the soccer ball you always have in your car :)

Rule number 5: always build in extra time. If you know me well, ok if you know anything about me you know i am LATE. I can't blame that on my kids because i was late before kids too. But if i have to be somewhere like a dr that i will lose my appt

Okay these are my first five. It is midnight and all my kids are sleeping so i should be too, so i will post more later. In the mean time, tell me your tricks and little secrets that help you survive in the hectic life of being a mommy!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", even one handed with a baby on my hip! Phil 4:13

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this post! i was wondering if you took them all to the grocery store with you (i was thinking you did) and wanted to ask you how you do it. if you don't mind saying, which double stroller did/do you have? i'm probably going to be getting one soon. a popular one here is Maclaren (don't know if that brand is over there too), popular because it's lightweight but i don't know how much basket space it has. my single Maclaren is great because it's lightweight but basket space isn't all that great, plus it gets blocked if the baby is reclined. also tumps over with even the smallest bag if no baby, and won't hold heavy bags or lots of grocery sacks even with the baby! our biggest problem here tho is space - VERY limited - so lightweight, or rather small fold-up i should say, is essential.
